• Logo Atenea Rosa
    Empoderaccion Gris

    The ATENEA School provides teaching and training spaces in horizontal and collective leadership, which enable women to be peacebuilders and recognize themselves as subjects with rights to take decisions, increase their self-confidence and influence social change.

    It gives Colombian women a space where they can be trained and sensitized, share stories and experiences, making their voices known as empowered women.

    The ATENEA School has been running since 2008 and has the active participation of women who decided to empower themselves, know and make their rights enforceable, multiply what they have learned and be leaders.

    Each new class completes 3 or 4 modules for a total of 27 or 36 hours of education. Modules offered to date include:
    Human Rights. Women learn about the laws designed to safeguard their freedom and dignity. By learning about their own civil rights, students gain the confidence to advocate for gender equality and to participate more fully in social, political, and community life. Duration: 9 hours.
    Political Advocacy. Students learn the importance of organizing with other women and with all people to affect change. This module reviews the different mechanisms and tools available to women and shows them how to demand their rights. The module emphasizes the importance of women expressing their opinions in order to affect political decision-making. Students learn skills to help them advocate for change not only at the political level, but at the communal and personal level. Duration: 9 hours.
    Women in Peacebuilding. Students learn about the key role women play in preventing conflict and ensuring stable and lasting peace. They learn that their participation and leadership is essential in the pursuit of a more just society. This module examines Colombia’s armed conflict, truth and memory, the implementation of peace agreements, reconciliation, and peacebuilding all from a woman’s perspective. Duration: 9 hours.
    UN Resolution 1325. UN Resolution 1325 recognizes the disproportionate impact of violent conflict on women, including gender-based violence, and highlights the importance of women’s participation in peacebuilding and sustainable development. This module teaches women how to use UN Resolution 1325 as a tool to propose and implement public policy to address their specific needs. The goal is to empower women to turn their ideas into public interventions to build a society that is more equal and free from violence. Duration: 9 hours.
    Sexual and Reproductive Health. This module explores interpersonal feelings, communication, pleasure, affection, and feeling good about oneself. Women are encouraged to examine their own bodies and sexuality, and to recognize their bodies as personal territory. This module provides an opportunity to examine relationships between men and women through a lens of equality and justice. Students learn to make informed decisions about their bodies and that any decision they make about their bodies must be respected. Duration: 9 hours.
    Trafficking in Women.This module reviews the crime of human trafficking, with an emphasis on women, with the aim of raising public awareness and improving protection. Students learn about Colombian laws related to human trafficking, preventative actions, and specialized routes of attention for victims. Students learn to recognize the signs of human trafficking and protect themselves from exploitation.
    Gender-Based Violence. In this module, women learn about different types of violence and examine gender-based violence as one of the most harmful kinds. Students learn about gender equality through a theoretical and practical lens, and learn how patriarchal attitudes can result in violence. Through an emphasis on sisterhood, history, and the political participation of women, this module shows students how to recognize and respond to harmful attitudes towards women in everyday life. Duration: 9 hours.


  • The participation and leadership of women are essential in the pursuit of equality and peace. The success and duration of conflict prevention and conflict resolution efforts depend on the role women play throughout the process. Below are Espacios de Mujer’s projects related to peacebuilding, relevant publications and videos, and public spaces for women (currently available in Spanish only).


      Las mujeres son un recurso clave para promover la paz y la estabilidad: deben poder ser multiplicadoras de conocimientos que les permiten, a ellas y a otras lideresas, entablar diálogos políticos con la institucionalidad e incidir para potenciar las agendas de paz de las mujeres en sus propios territorios.

      Transformadoras de Paz. Un ejercicio de Empoderacción
      Ficha del proyecto

    • Publica 03

      La construcción de paz en Colombia: una agenda de investigación aplicada

      Publica 01

      Lo que hemos acordado:
      el acuerdo final de paz

      Publica 02

      Las mujeres en los acuerdos

      Publica 04

      ABC DEL ACUERDO FINAL ACUERDO FINAL para la TERMINACIÓN DEL CONFLICTO y la construcción de una PAZ estable y duradera. Cartilla pedagógica

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  • Espacios de Mujer aims to empower women as leaders in public spaces so that they can overcome historical exclusion and inequality and affect political, social, and economic change. Find below publications and laws focused on women’s advocacy (currently available in Spanish only).


    Es el proceso de participación activa que Espacios de Mujer realiza para incidir en la formulación de las políticas públicas y en la toma de decisiones, además que crear espacios de ejercicio pleno de ciudadanía.

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      (2022) VII Balance

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      (2021) VI Balance

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      (2020) V Balance

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      (2019) IV Balance

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      (2018) III Balance

      Publica 14

      (2017) II Balance

      Publica 15

      (2016) I Balance

      Publica 16

      Análisis de la Política Pública sobre Prevención y Atención de la Trata de Personas en Medellín y Departamento de Antioquia

      Microsoft Word   Executive Summary SPA

      Agenda Ciudadana de las
      Mujeres para Medellín
      2020 – 2023

      Publica 17

      Agenda Ciudadana de las
      Mujeres para Medellín
      2015 – 2019

      Publica 18

      Agenda Ciudadana de las
      Mujeres de Medellín
      2011 – 2015

    • Publica 14

      Transformadoras de paz:
      Un ejercicio
      de empoderacción

  • It is a social event linked to the exercise of the human right to freedom of movement. In this section, it is reported the experience of the Corporación with its complexity, integrality and different impacts of human mobility on the people, their families and society who move.

  • Espacios de Mujer wants to contribute to improving the quality of life of women who exercise the prostitution in Medellín, in their private life, job and social presence. To be recognized as subjects of rights, they are supported in acquiring the tools to strengthen the enjoyment of their rights as women and in their job.

    Artículo sobre prostitución (Espacios de Mujer)
    Marco legal de la prostitución en Colombia
    Ruta de atención (Espacios de Mujer)

    • Publicaciones y organizaciones que trabajan el tema

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      Violencias hacia las mujeres trabajadoras sexuales de Latinoamérica y el Caribe 2021

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      Prostitución y trabajo. Condiciones sociales y laborales de mujeres trabajadoras sexuales en la ciudad de Bogotá (2015)

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      Prostitución en Colombia: hacia una aproximación sociojurídica a los derechos de los trabajadores sexuales (2019)

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      La regulación y el reconocimiento del trabajo sexual en los planes de ordenamiento territorial (2022)

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      RedTraSex (Red de Mujeres Trabajadoras Sexuales de Latinoamérica y El Caribe)

      Read more

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      Red de Personas que Ejercen Trabajo Sexual de Asia y el Pacífico (APNSW)

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      Alianza Africana de Trabajadoras y Trabajadores Sexuales

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      Alianza Europea de Trabajadoras Sexuales (ESWA)

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      Red de Defensa de lxs Trabajadorxs Sexuales (SWAN)

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      Red Global de Proyectos de Trabajo Sexual (NSWP)

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Carrera 42 # 49 - 45

Córdoba con Ayacucho en el Centro de la ciudad

Medellín · Antioquia · Colombia
(+57-4) 239 83 51
Cel.314 886 57 03

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